Monday, 29 October 2012


I just realised that I didn't post about what an amazing success the Bellydance Flashmob was, back in July!

See for yourself! Thanks to Emma Chapman for filming and sharing this vid.

The Big Dance was a brilliant weekend in Edinburgh. There was dancing everywhere - although this was my favourite for sure! It was lunchtime on Sunday at the National Museum of Scotland, busy with families and tourists, and suddenly - there we were!

I'm the one in the blue trousers, by the way! I organised the event, and prepared the Egyptian and joint choreographies, which I taught to my student in class, and to anyone else who was interested via YouTube tutorials.

I feel so excited, privileged and lucky to have the chance to organise an event like this, and to have the chance to dance with so many great dancers. We have a great community here in Edinburgh, and it's great that Egyptian, Tribal and fusion dancers can work together to make something this good.