Monday, 15 October 2012

November Fun

There are so many bellydance events coming up in Edinburgh next month!

On the evening of Sunday 4th November, the lovely Pheonyx Dance is organising her second Masquarade Hafla at the Church of the Good Shepherd at Roseburn. We are to wear a mask and dress up for this halfa, because after all, it is Halloween!

The cause for the Pheonyx Masquarade Hafla will be orphans in Scotland and abroad. Proceeds will go to charities supporting orphans, including SOS Children's Villages and Mary's Meals. Donations of raffle prizes are welcome.

Bring your own food and drinks for this one, and there is also space for souks. More details are from
The following week it's time for the Pyramid Awards 2012 at the Minto Hotel in Newington. As far as I know the Pyramid Awards have been the only bellydance competition in Scotland, and this is the third time they've taken place. The competition starts the evening at 8pm on Saturday 10th November, with competitors being asked to improvise to music of the judge's choice. Those who progress to round 2 then get to perform their own piece. There will also be a "star studded show, with International performers, selected dancers from Edinburgh and surrounding areas", and an Arabic Disco till 1am. 
There are also workshops the following day. You will find more details on Fereshteh's website.

The next weekend is even busier. On Friday 16th November the lovely Sara Gollan is organising a hafla to raise money for Alzheimers Scotland, as she will be taking part in a firewalk for that charity! The venue is The Quay in Musselburgh, and tickets are £8. I'll be compering the evening so come and give me big supportive zhagreets from the audience. You can get in touch with me for more details or if you want to dance!

Then you have the Saturday night to recover before the Edinburgh Egyptian Dancers Hafla on Sunday 18th November at Revolution nightclub on Chambers Street. This is Edinburgh's longest running hafla and is always smashing and recommended. Tickets are usually £10 and available on the door.

If you've never been to a hafla before, it's essentially where bellydancers go to dance and watch other dancers perform. They range in formality and variety but we usually wear lovely things, make lots noise and get a good party atmosphere going! You don't have to dance if you don't want to - it's fine to watch - but if you're having fun then clapping and cheering are compulsory.
What you waiting for? Find something to wear, bring a friend and get ready to dance or cheer!