Sunday, 27 June 2010

Preparing the Hafla programme

I have a fun job tonight - I'm busy with some paper and scissors trying to sort out the running order for this Thursday's Musselburgh Hafla! I'm trying to balance the oriental and the tribal, the solos and the groups, the mainstays and the show-stoppers to make the very best show. I have each name of a slip of paper, and I'm fiddling them around to get the best running order! It is truly exciting!!

We're also going to have a Bellydance Bring-and-Buy sale at the hafla, where dancers can sell their previously-loved items, be they costumes, coin belts or accessories. If you want to sell anything, you need to label it with your name and how much you'd like to get for it (and 'or nearest offer' if you're open to haggling!)

There will be a raffle too, hopefully raising more money for our chosen charity, Children 1st.

What's probably causing more stress is my own performances - making me wish it was a month away instead of just 4 days!!

I hope you can come along - this Thursday, 1st July, at Musselburgh Rugby Club, Stoneyhill Farm Road, Musselburgh. Doors open at 7.30pm, dancing to start at 8pm. All tickets are £5 on the door.

Thursday, 24 June 2010

The Musselburgh Hafla - 1 July 2010

I am excited as it's only SEVEN DAYS till the Musselburgh Hafla!

Thursday 1st July
Musselburgh Rugby Club
Doors 7.30pm, dancing from 8pm (we hope to be finished before 10.30pm)
All tickets £5, raising money for Children 1st

We are going to have such a good line up. There's a terrific variety of oriental and various tribal styles, groups and solos. Last year we got a lot of feedback on how fun and friendly the hafla was, so we hope to be even more fun and even friendlier this year!

Please come along and bring your friends and family for an enjoyable, relaxed evening - it's not an expensive bar! Children are welcome to come along - after all it is the last day of term! - as long as they keep out the bar.
We will have a raffle and a Bring and Buy Bellydance sale. If you have any goodies to sell, label them up with your name and how much you want for them, and we'll display them for other dancers to peruse.

See you next Thursday!!

Bellydance Birthday Party!

Last weekend I had a lovely Sunday lunchtime teaching at a birthday party. It was an 11th birthday party!

I was really excited - although I've taught children before, I'd not taught this age group. I took top tips from my friend Celia, who teaches regular belly dance classes for girls. I was also warned that 11-year-old girls would be naturally good dancers, and it was true! Most of the girls at the party go to dance classes (not belly dance) and had lovely natural movements. They quickly look for the next challenge, and it was a lovely pace to teach at - I think I taught them in 1.5 hours what I'd teach a grown-up class in about 6 weeks!

There is something quite amazing about the sound of a collective gasp when you enter the room in full costume!! It was funny and lovely to see their eyes popping out at the sight of so many sequins! For the first half hour they were so quiet. The mum of the birthday girl assured me that they were just overwhelmed!

The girls enjoyed the veils especially and looked great when they finally performed the choreography (Egyptian pop style) I'd taught them. It was helpful to have mirrors, our venue was the creche at Gracemount Leisure Centre.

I was accompanied by Yvonne, one of my students, who'd put me in touch with the mum of the birthday girl. Yvonne had glitter tattoos for all the girls and they loved it! They were sparkling and shimmying and smiling all at the same time! (although the actual *movement* of the shimmy on an 11-year-old is quite different to that of the women I'm used to teaching!!)

One girl left saying to the hostess, "thank you for having me, that was the the best birthday party I've ever been to!". I can't ask for better than that!